Best Dating Sites and Apps in Sweden

If you’re looking to date in Sweden, things have gotten a lot easier, especially after my time spent testing the waters. Here’s a guide, influenced by my own trials, showcasing the best Swedish dating sites and apps.

⭐ Best Swedish dating apps

C-Date Logo
  • Populär i Sverige
  • Lätt att använda
  • 18 årsgräns
Singles50 Logo
  • För 40+
  • Populär
  • Bra personlighetstest
Academic Singles Logo
  • 30+
  • Bäst matchingsfunktion
  • Relativt billig dejtingsida
Victoria Logo
  • 18+
  • Populär i Sverige
  • Prisvärd för vuxna
HittaSvenskaKvinnor Logo
  • Svensk vuxendejting
  • Gratis registrering
  • 10000+ riktiga medlemmar
Be2 Logo
  • 30+
  • Kontaktgaranti
  • Bra personlighetstest
Ligga Logo
  • Många svenskar
  • Gratis registrering
  • Vuxendejting
50PlusMatch Logo
  • För 50+
  • Jämn åldersfördelning
  • Prisvärd
9 Logo
  • Väldigt populär
  • Välkänd sida
  • Passar de flesta
OurTime Logo
  • Gratis registrering
  • För singlar över 50
  • Gruppaktiviteter
Mötesplatsen Logo
  • Seriösa medlemmar
  • Snabb registrering
  • 13m medlemmar i Europa
Elitsinglar Logo
  • Bra personlighetstest
  • 120 000 medlemmar i Sverige
  • 159 kr för premium
Hinge Logo
  • Lättanvänd dejtingapp
  • Gratis registrering
  • Billigt medlemskap
Happn Logo
  • Bästa appen
  • Populär
  • Gratis nedladdning
Facebook Dating Logo
  • Logga in med Facebook
  • Gratis medlemskap
  • Hög matchningsfrekvens
Bumble Logo
  • Populär dejtingapp
  • Swiping-funktion
  • Damer skriver först
Badoo Logo
  • Bra dejtingapp
  • Inte bara för hetereo
  • Gratis registrering
18 Logo
  • Störst i Sverige för kristna
  • Seriös dejting
  • Mogna användare
HappyPancake Logo
  • 100% gratis
  • Svensk support
  • 800 000+ användare


Match Sweden

During my time exploring relationship options in Sweden, Match emerged as a top pick for individuals over 30 who are in the market for something more serious. The process for signing up and browsing potential matches is user-friendly and can be done at no cost. To unlock messaging features, however, a paid membership is necessary. What caught my eye was a unique exception: the ability to respond to messages from users with an ‘Unlimited Plus’ account, even if you’re not a paid member yourself. The platform offers a range of subscription plans—Basic, Discover, Unlimited, and Unlimited Plus—with durations spanning one to six months.

Here are some advantages and disadvantages of

Match Advantages:Match Disadvantages:
Numerous featuresIncognito browsing only for paid subscribers
Lots of pictures allowedSome users have reported problems unsubscribing
Profile verification system 
In-depth profiles 


Be2 Sweden

I also encountered Be2, a globally recognized platform with a Swedish version. The site boasts a sizable user base, enhancing the odds of locating a partner for a committed relationship—its primary focus. One feature that stood out to me was the contact guarantee for premium members: if you engage with fewer than ten other members during your paid period, Be2 automatically extends your premium subscription at no extra cost.

Here are some advantages and disadvantages of Be2:

Be2 Advantages:Be2 Disadvantages:
Large user baseMany free users
High reply rateAuto-renewed subscriptions
Reliable and safe 
Compatibility Index 


C-Date Sweden

C-Date is your best choice if you are in Sweden and looking for a casual or sexual relationship.

C-Date boasts two million profiles in 35 countries worldwide and truly offers you the chance to extend your dating experience abroad. 

Here are some advantages and disadvantages of C-Date:

C-Date Advantages:C-Date Disadvantages:
Easy registrationDifficult to unsubscribe
Video tutorials on YouTubeNo browsing option on free accounts
‘Now active’ feature (currently active members) 
Preference-based partner suggestions 


OurTime Sweden

For singles over 50 seeking a serious relationship, OurTime offers more than just matchmaking. I was especially impressed by their extensive blog, which is filled with quality content. The blog is a resource that could be incredibly helpful for people in the over-50 age bracket, providing insights and advice on how to successfully start a new relationship, regardless of age.

Here are some advantages and disadvantages of OurTime:

OurTime Advantages:OurTime Disadvantages:
Activities for singlesSome users have reported poor customer service
Live video chatDifficult to unsubscribe
Comprehensive website 
Profile suggestions 


What is the first thing that crosses your mind when you think of Sweden and the Swedish? Emotionally detached, Volvo-driving, Abba-loving, herring-eating blonds?

Well, not really.

Stereotypes are part of human nature, but they are often as much accurate as not. Let us look at what Swedes – and dating them – are really like.

If you are ready to date a Swede, do not expect an American-type rom-com affair. This, although not altogether non-existent in the Swedish dating culture, is reserved for a little later in the relationship, after you have become more acquainted. 

Your first daytime date will probably involve fika – that is, coffee and pastry. Because fika is basically a snack break during which you drink and eat those mentioned above, it may be difficult for you to figure out whether your date is a date or not. 

If you are going out at night with the Swedish, there will probably be a pre-party before the party. That is an opportunity to meet others under more relaxed circumstances before going to an actual party, which will likely involve more drinks, dancing, and flirting. 

If you are invited to a person’s house to watch a movie together, that probably means they are only interested in sex. On the other hand, if they invite you for a walk and a fika, they mean serious business.

If a woman chooses to take matters into her own hands, she does not have to worry about being considered loose. The Swedish are equal when it comes to initiating contact. Also, Swedes do not date around – for them, a relationship is exclusive without having to agree that it is. Despite this, however, they are not interested in ‘sealing the deal’ – i.e. getting married. They believe that the idea of marriage is old-fashioned and unnecessary.


You may not consider using a dating website or app if you have plenty of people to hang out with or if you are relatively extroverted, outgoing, and relaxed and have a lot of free time to socialize with others. But if you are none of those things, using dating websites and apps in Sweden is more than welcome. And popular, for that matter. According to Statista’s projections, the number of users of online dating services will rise to 1.1 million by 2027.


There is an abundance of dating websites and apps in Sweden – from regional to global. Choosing a service that caters to your needs is the first thing you need to get out of the way. 

Depending on the type of person you are, you might find the whole process of finding a partner online exciting; or you might find it scary. Exchanging flirty messages without any danger of going too far is one of the benefits of online dating. On the other hand, not being absolutely certain that the person on the other side is who they say they are is one of its drawbacks.

Needless to say, online dating has plenty of pros and cons – just like any other dating, for that matter. 

The bottom line is: if you are lonely and not in a position to meet many people in Sweden, dating websites and apps will give you an opportunity to meet plenty of new people who share the same interests as you.


Choosing the right online dating service can be a challenge. This is because there are so many to choose from to begin with. In addition, it does not help that different sources suggest different ‘best’ online dating websites/apps. 

One of the possible approaches to choosing a dating service might be to list those which appear most frequently on forums and specialized websites and register a free account with them. A free account will give you limited access to potential partners (e.g. no texting or picture-sharing). Still, you will be able to get a real feel for the site and decide whether you like it or not.

Once you have decided what kind of relationship you want and which service to use, it is best to buy a membership. Some of the paid plans are pricey, but at least you will know that people you meet there are serious about finding a partner. Serious enough to pay.

Do not neglect to read all the non-dating related content (such as terms of service and privacy policy), which usually appears at the bottom of the webpage. These pages typically contain information about safety and data storage which you should be aware of.


Here is the good news: you can do a lot to improve your chances of finding your match. Here are some tips:

  • Be optimistic

Try to maintain a positive attitude and not pressure people to do certain things only because you are in a hurry to find a partner. Most people do not like it when potential partners appear needy and desperate – it turns them off. Instead, try to be cheerful and relaxed.

  • Be patient

Do not despair if the first person you meet online does not turn out to be what you are looking for. Remember that most things take time and usually come when least expected. Stay hopeful and keep looking. You will get there!

  • Be honest

Do not lie on your profile. Of course, you will come across people who put false information on their profiles. But just imagine finding a perfect guy/girl and then having to admit to them that you lied about something. How likely are they to forgive you?

  • Be kind

Again, maybe not everyone will be kind to you, but that does not mean you should treat people with disrespect. Even the people you are not interested in romantically deserve to be approached with kindness. Perhaps they will never become your lover, but you may end up being good friends.

  • Be creative

Create a profile that will draw other people’s attention. Try to be different and objective when writing about yourself. Claiming to possess only the best personality traits will make others suspicious of the things you are trying to hide. Perhaps find a humorous way to introduce some things you are not especially proud of about yourself. That will make you more human and less just another profile.

Conclusion is the top dating app in Sweden, offering effective matching algorithms and live customer support for a high success rate in finding serious relationships.


Is there any stigma attached to using a dating app in Sweden?

No. The Swedish are considered to be very liberal when it comes to online dating.

Why can I sign up for some Swedish dating sites only if I am in Sweden?

Swedish law requires that the dating site be operated within the borders of Sweden and that any user data and information be stored and processed within the country.

Who usually pays the Bill on a Swedish date?

The Swedish are famous for their equality, and the man is not expected to always pay the bill. Sometimes they will split the bill, or the person doing the inviting will pay for it.

Do Swedes have sex on their first date?

Sex is not a taboo in Sweden. The Swedish are very practical people and consider it a natural part of their lives, so having sex on a first date is not rare.